Gua Sha 101 Exclusive Interview with Expert Jennifer Adell
This week we welcome Jennifer Adell, lead esthetician at New Beauty Wellness Spa and master expert at Gua Sha, for an exclusive interview. Over the last few years, Jennifer's Instagram account has documented in great detail the correct way to utilize Gua Sha technique for lymphatic drainage, facial contouring and lifting, and stress and tension relief. So many people are still left wondering if it really works and if they are performing the method correctly. Let’s dive right in and answer everyone’s questions.
LF: How would you best summarize the benefits of Gua Sha?
JA: Gua Sha is an ancient tool, yet is now known as one of the most popular beauty gadjets on the market. It is used to promote lymphatic drainage which helps detoxify, increase healthy circulation, and promote the flow of oxygen to the tissues. With the use of Gua Sha you can see brightening of the skin, de-puffing, lifting, toning, and a decrease in fine lines.
LF: How often do you recommend one perform Gua Sha?
JA: For best results I would recommend anywhere from 3-5 times a week. It all depends on how much time you have and what your concerns are.
LF: Does it make a difference what type of Gua Sha tool I use?
JA: There are many varieties of stones and each may have different contours. You want to make sure you choose a stone that is easy to hold in your hand at different angles. I believe in the use of real stones like rose quartz or jade varieties, but there are many to choose from. Those two are the most readily available.
LF: How do I incorporate Gua Sha in my routine?
JA: Gua Sha is best used with oil. I recommend using it during an oil cleanse or saving it for your last step at night with an oil chosen for your skin concerns. You want to hold your stone at a 15 degree angle, using feather-like pressure.
LF: Can I Gua Sha if I have botox or filler?
JA: You can use Gua Sha in your regime after botox and filler but just for lymph drainage- not with firmer pressure for concerns like deeper fine lines. Wait one day after having botox and two weeks after filler.
LF: Can you share the proper way to Gua Sha?
JA: Apply an oil. Keep your stone held at a 15 degree angle and use feather-like pressure for lymph drainage. You want to make sure to activate the lymph by using gentle pumps with your fingertips right behind the clavicle. Give yourself some gentle stretches on your neck and shoulder muscles since this is where so much of the tension held in our faces stems from. This is an important step so try to remember not to skip this- plus, it's a great way to take a moment for yourself. Begin by working behind the ear, down the side of your neck to where you just pumped. Keep your stone held at this 15 degree angle so you have most of the stone on your skin and only use light pressure moving down. Think about each section using 3-5 passes. From here you will move up the face, following the lymph pathways from the center of the face, outwards and always coming back to moving your stone down the neck as you "off ramp". The jaw line moves out toward the ear, the cheeks out toward the ear, under the eye out toward the temples, and the forehead up and out toward the hairline.